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  • Inventors 8 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    who invented it?
  • Inventors 9 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    who invented it?
  • Inventors 10 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    who invented it?
  • Inventors 11 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    who invented it?
  • Inventors 12 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    who invented it?
  • Inventors 13 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    who invented it?
  • Inventors 14 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    who invented it?
  • Number of Countries in Continents Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    write the no of countries that come undes the given continent
  • famous pairs Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    write the name of other person whose name is usually called with the given name
  • famous pairs 2 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    list the names that is paired with the given one
  • national sports Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    list the countries by national sports
  • national sports 2 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    list the countries by national sports
  • national sports 3 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    list the countries by national sports
  • business abbreviations 3 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    give the full forms of business abbreviations
  • business abbreviations 4 Time: 300 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    give the full forms of business abbreviations
  • business abbreviations 5 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    give the full forms of the following
  • business abbreviations 6 Time: 240 seconds To win: 10 Points and 5 XP Details Play
    give the full forms of the following