Time left 1 Tetraethyl lead is used as pain killer fire extinguisher mosquito repellent petrol additive 2 Mercury is commonly used as a thermometric fluid rather than water because specific heat of mercury is less than water specific heat of mercury is more than water mercury has greater visibility than water density of mercury is more than the water 3 One thousand microns is equal to 10-3m 10-6m 10-9m 10-12m 4 The helicopter fleet of Air Force consists of Chetak Cheetah MI-8s, MI-17s, MI-26 All of the above 5 The study of soils is called geomorphology pedology hydrology biogeography 6 Who invented the BALLPOINT PEN? Biro Brothers Waterman Brothers Bicc Brothers Write Brothers 7 The Objectives Resolution was unanimously adopted by the Constituent Assembly on 22nd January 1947 26th November 1946 1st October 1948 None of the above