Time left 1 The president can expend out of the Contingency Fund of India only with the approval of the Parliament without the approval of the Parliament only in the case of the national calamities None of the above 2 The pre-requisite for the enforcement of directive principles of the state policy is an effective, hones government socialist government active opposition adequate resources 3 The Objectives Resolution which laid down the main objectives to guide the deliberations of the Assembly was moved by Sardar Patel Jawaharlal Nehru K.M. Munshi B.R. Ambedkar 4 The president can advance money to meet unforeseen expenses, pending authorization by Parliament, from the Consolidated Fund of India the Contingency Fund both the above funds None of the above 5 The position of a chief minister is similar to that of the prime minister identical to that of the president a combination of the position of the prime minister and president not constitutional 6 The members of the Rajya Sabha are elected for a term of six years determined by the state legislative assembly of a state of four years None of the above 7 The office of the president can fall vacant due to resignation death removal All of the above 8 The president can dissolve the Lok Sabha on advice of the prime minister advice of the chief justice of India recommendation of Lok Sabha recommendation of the Rajya Sabha