Time left 1 Gram staining was introduced by Christian gram Alfred Gram Robertcook Louis Pasteur 2 Which of the following is considered the most unifying concept in biology? Taxonomy Anatomy Genetics Evolution 3 Mycoplasmas are different from the other prokaryotes by presence of chitin in cell walls presence of murrain in cell walls presence of proteins in cell walls absence of cell wall itself 4 Which were the investigators lived at the same time? Koch and Pasteur Darwin and Woese Van Leeuenhoek and Ricketts Berg and Hooke 5 The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of eubacteria is mainly phosphoglycerides polyisoprenoid phospholipoprotein none of these 6 The oldest eukaryotic organisms are considered to be diplomonads like Giardia archaea fungi animals 7 Various bacterial species can be subdivided into subspecies biovarieties serovarieties all of these 8 The phospholipids present in cytoplasm membrane of the archaeo-bacteria is phosphoglycerides polyisoprenoid polyisoprenoid branched chain lipids none of the above