Time left 1 '.JPG' extension refers usually to what kind of file? System file Animation/movie file MS Encarta document Image file 2 What do we all a colletion of two or more computers that are located within a limited distance of each other and that are conneted to eah other diretly or indiretly? Inernet Interanet Loal Area Network Wide Area Networ 3 Whcih consists of two plates separated by a dieletri and an store a harge? Indutor capacitor Transistor Relay 4 The transformer that develops the high voltage in a home television is commonly called ..? Tesla coil Flybak Yoke Van de Graaf 5 In a color television set using a picture tube a high voltage is used to acelerate electron beams to light the screen. That voltage is about...? 500 volts 5 thousand volts 25 thousand volts 100 thousand volts 6 The electromagnetic oils on the neck of the pciture tube or tubes whcih pull the electron beam from side to side and up and down are called ..? Transformer Yoke capacitor Diode 7 What does AM mean? Angelo maroni Anno median Amplitude modulation Amperes 8 In the UK, what type of installation requires a fireman's switch? Neon Lighting High Pressure Sodium Lighting Water Features Hotel Rooms